RCS 收運(貨主或代理人) received from shipper/agent
RCT 轉港到達
RCF 航班貨物到達 received at destination
BKD 貨物訂艙 Shipment has been booked on a certain flight.
DEP 貨物航班離港 departure (able to use airline RFS flight shedule provided)
PRE 配上預制艙單
MAN 正式艙單
TRM 貨物待轉港
TFD 貨物轉港出 Shipment has been transferred to other airline or trucking company
NFD 已發送提貨通知
AWD 文件已送達(提單) documents given to consignee / agent
CCD 貨物已通關
DLV 貨物已提取 deliver to consignee/agent
CRC 貨物已報到海關
DDL 貨物送達到收貨人
ULD 貨物已裝箱出港
TGC 貨物已提交海關/政府控制部門
DIS 貨物出現差錯 discrepansy (ie. non-delivery , CCA, damaged ,missing)
OSI 備注信息 remark